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Phil Noble “ a maestro of forward-looking campaigns.”

-John Harwood


Phil Noble + Associates specializes in internet, technology and new media strategic consulting for US and international clients in the civic sector.


The firm is a veteran of over 350 political campaigns and public affairs projects in 40 US states and 45 countries, including 10 US presidential campaigns. We have worked to elect the head of state in 15 countries and over 35 national political parties worldwide have been our clients.


The newspaper La Republica call Noble "a maker of presidents."


Our corporate clients have ranged from Fortune 500 Companies to start ups in the US and globally. Government clients include seven national governments, five major cities and over a dozen global intergovernmental organizations and NGO’s.

Noble has been a syndicated columnist and is widely recognized as one of the leading speakers and analyst on US and global politics. His  commentary and analysis appears frequently on air, in newspapers and online media worldwide.


Recently, named Noble a “Top 5 Speaker in Media, Politics, and Current Affairs.”


He has been a guest lecturer and advisor at 25+ colleges and universities in the US and internationally. He was a Resident Follow of the Institute of Politics of the John F. Kennedy School of Government of Harvard University.

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